Chaise NICOLLE® chairs – where comfort sits perfectly with ergonomics

Metal-working techniques passed down and perfected over generations, and industrial design don’t have to mean sacrificing on comfort.

Chaise NICOLLE® chairs were originally conceived for long days in the machine-shop, where ergonomics and comfort were always the priority for their creator, Paul-Henri Nicolle.
Truly ahead of his time, he developed extraordinary savoir-faire in the field of ergonomics.

So, how are Chaises NICOLLE® chairs tailored to your well-being?

Flexible back support

All of our chairs feature our trademark „whale-tail“ back support.

The „Gooseneck“ for the back support can be removed and fits on the seat with two wingnuts.
It is made of a high-grade steel, that only we know the secret of, to provide remarkable flexibility.

The backrest works with you, providing perfect support for your back as it moves. In fact, the whale-tail is perfectly positioned at the base of your spine, supporting your torso without creating pressure on your lumbar region.

This configuration means you can effortlessly keep the perfect posture, preventing slouching and avoiding back pain in your neck and upper back.

A comfortable seat

We offer three types of seat: metal, wood and Loom.

Metal: the „classic“ choice, the centre-punched metal seat is stamped using a 125-tonne press. A leather pad can also be fitted.

Wood: Made in thermoformed beech wood sourced from French woodland, these wooden seats are bolted to the four feet to create an elegant counterpoint to the metal structure.

Loom: These woven kraft paper fibres are more durable than wicker, while a light stuffing adds a pleasingly soft touch.

Seat height

Our chairs are available in a range of heights (45/47cm, 60/65cm, 75/78cm, 80 cm), making them perfect for a variety of uses.
To choose your correct seat height, it’s essential to bear in mind the space between the seat top and the bottom of your desktop, table or bar.

How do I choose the right height for my chair or stool?
To choose the right seat height, just follow this simple rule: you need to leave around 30cm between the seat top and the top of your surface to be sat comfortably.

Quelle chaise pour quelle hauteur de table?


Superb stability despite a small footprint

Chaise NICOLLE® chairs are designed with perfect stability in mind, thanks to their four legs riveted to four rungs. The slight angle in relation to the seat help to further enhance this superb stability while ensuring the chair’s footprint isn’t too big.

Made in France using hard-wearing materials, our chairs are virtually indestructible! To find out how, check out our article on the secrets of building a NICOLLE® chair…

Which chair or stool is right for you?

Metal Collection

Wood & Metal Collection

Outdoor Collection